There are primitive data types (numbers,
strings) and 3 compound constructs: lists, records
and tuples. Each data element can have a tag,
which is an equivalent of a class name in programming.
Record is basic object description construct. In the following
example, there is a record with 3 fields - a string, an int and
an identifier:
name = "John"
age = 21
sex = male
Sometimes, especially if there is a lot of records of the
same type, it is not feasible to write field names. You
can use tuples (records with anonymous fields) instead:
Person( "John" 21 male )
Tuples are very different to lists. Tuples (round brackets) describe single
entities, whereas lists (curly brackets) are used for collections:
Team {
Person( "John" 21 male )
Person( "Bill" 33 male )
Person( "Alice" 28 female )
Unituples (single-element tuples) are considered equivalent to its elements. This rule
is compatible with mathematical definition of tuples and makes it possible to use brackets
also for grouping.
Elements of tuples and lists can be separated with commas
or ended with semicolons, but in most cases this is not neccessary.
Every data element can have a tag. In the above examples
tags were Person and Team. They are not always
needed, but they add higher-level meaning to the data,
enhancing self-describeness. Here is an example of a tagged
record containing a not tagged fields (string, integer and list):
title = "Peopleware"
year = 1999
authors = { "Tom Demarco" "Timothy Lister" }
Tags can also be added in the postfix style:
width = 14_mm
height = 2_cm
This can be used, for example, to repeat the tag in the
XML-like way or to add units to values.
Note: Earlier, postfix tags were using '/' character, but since
there are identifier operators, the slash can be freed
(at the moment (v 5.5.84), you can still use slash for postfix
tags, but this will change, so that you can use slash for operators).
Primitive data
There are 4 common primitive data types, which correspond
to literals that can be used in harpoon expressions:
Int – signed, 32 bit number,
Real – double precision floating point number,
String – finite sequence of characters (UTF-8) (e.g. "hello"),
Ident – identifier, (e.g. true).
Strings in Harpoon have an escape character \ (backslash) which
makes the lexer ignoring subsequent white-space and makes it
possible to express new line (\n), tab (\t), quote (\"), backslash
(\\) and some other special characters. Strings can be multiline.
The numeric types are now machine-dependent, which is
not nice of course. This is going to change in future with
two machine-independent general types:
Integer – signed, arbitrarily large integer numbers (e.g. 1928382738271),
Rational – arbitrary precision rational numbers (e.g. 3.141592),
The extension will be backward compatible, as all numbers
will become Integers or Rationals, which will
be automatically convertible to Ints and Reals.
Special values
There are two special values in Harpoon:
Their meanings are very different - the null value means that there
is no data (similar as in the division by zero), whereas
the unknown value means that there should be something, but
we do not know or care what it is.
There are two kinds of comments:
// makes a comment till
end of line and pair
(* ...
*) makes a comment between.
This is similar to C/C++, but much easier to type.